
Does God and Can God speak to us through the Spirit?

As of late, I've been wondering if God can speak through the Holy spirit to us. I'm not speaking of instances where I'm tempted and the holy spirit might have reminded me of the strength which God provides through His sons cross. Nor am I speaking of instances where I may be so filled with the spirit that I'm reminded of Gods love for me.

I believe/know both of the described things are very possible and do happen (there is scriptural evidence for both things, and both things have happened in my life)

I'm specifically baffled with the possibility of the Holy Spirit guiding one with prophetic messages or "revelation"

Often in this culture we may hear
"God told me to do this"
"This was a sign from God"
"God placed this specific scripture on my heart and my life is to now look like this"

Recently, I thought I heard similar messages, even prophetic messages. How do I know if it's the Holy Spirit? How do I know if it's just me creating that "voice" I heard? Ultimately, before I go any further, it boils down to this. Human experience is fallible. Sometimes because of our selfish desires, we may conjure an imaginary voice without even knowing it to align with those desires. I might just happen to read some scripture by coincidence that may lead me to believe I'm supposed to buy a certain car when really, maybe God wants me to give some of that money away instead. Finally, if you're looking for some divine sign from the Holy Spirit or God, chances are you're going to find it (and by that I mean create it). The only truth I can rely on at all times is the truth which is presented in the word. The word is Gods truth.

However, my question is still left unanswered. Can God speak directly to us? We know He spoke to Adam, Moses, Noah, and others in the old testament. Many would quickly jump to say- well that's the old testament. I'm going to go ahead and mention that God is that He is (Exodus 3:14- I am that I am) meaning he cant change, so we could assume if He wanted he could still speak to us. Regardless of that fact many say it's still debatable. Fine then, God in the flesh just so happened to speak directly to thousands of people and you can find that in many books of the new testament. What about after Christ was crucified? I can specifically think of one instance (I'm sure there may be others)- God spoke directly to Paul on the road to damuscus. We also know that the Spirit spoke through the disciples
in many different tongues when they received the Holy spirit(this is in acts if you want to look it up) but others would also claim that this sort of thing ended with the apostolic age.

What about now? Can God do these things now? Yes, He can because He is the unchanging, eternal God. Does God still do them now though? That's my question.

Joel 2:28- And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.

This particular passage is pretty straight forward, but it's also speaking about pentecost.

Acts 2:17-In the last days, God said, I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.

This verse specifically says "in the last days..."
We are in the last days, (the last days are the days between Christs first and second coming. Paul even lived in the so called last days)

If I should go by what this passage says- It's obvious that the spirit can do big things- even give us messages of prophesy and visions.

John 16: 5-15 (Jesus is telling his disciples how He must die and will be going away from them)

"But now i am going away to the one who sent me, and none of you has asked me where i am going. Instead, you are very sad. But it is actually best for you that I go away because if I don't the Counselor won't come. If i do go away, he will come because I will send him to you. And when he comes, he will convince the world of its sin, and of God's righteousness, and of the coming judgment. the world's sin is unbelief in me. Righteousness is available because I go to the Father, and you will see me no more. judgment will come because the prince of this world has already been judged. oh there is so much more I want to tell you, but you can't bear it now. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not be presenting his own ideas; he will be telling you what he has hear.d he will tell you about the future. he will bring me glory by revealing to you whatever he receives from me. all that the Father has is mine; this is what I mean when I say that the Spirit will reveal to you whatever he receives from me."

Essentially it is implied that when the spirit comes, he will reveal to us all truth, and whatever He tells us, Jesus has told him. It also says He will tell us the future.

Now this passage can't be taken out of context. Christ is telling them about what was to happen at pentecost (acts 2) but at the same time, the holy spirit is clearly available to us as well. The Holy Spirit can do what he did years past if God allows Him to.

That still doesn't answer my final question though. How do we know if the spirit is talking to us. How do we know it's not just us.

If the spirit guides us in truth (God's word) and reveals to us something in scripture then we can rely on the spirits "voice". One must be careful because there are even exceptions to that(as it's not a rule). But what if we hear him outside of the word? Isn't human experience fallible? Yes it is. Is it possible the spirit can still speak truth to us outside of the word? Yes it is.

So how do we know? I can't answer that question. It's one I've been wrestling with myself. I do however know, from scripture, that it's a possibility.


I've but one life to live

I've one life to live. Just one, only one.
The idea of having just one life to live on this planet puts things into a rather unique perspective, one which is hard to swallow. Up until very recently it would appear I was oblivious to this knowledge.

I knew full well once you died that was it. Perhaps it was the idea of life after death which was harder for me to swallow.

The average person on this planet probably has the average selfish dream- The american dream. The Big house, the nice car, the hot wife or husband, enough money for comfortable living and retirement. That is the american dream- the skeptics dream- this planets selfish dream.

I don't believe there is anything wrong with living comfortably. I don't believe there is anything wrong with having a large house or a nice car. I don't believe there is a single thing wrong with wanting to have an attractive husband or wife. However, the reasoning behind wanting these things most often is wrong. Why? More often than not, this dream is a self absorbed dream. A selfish dream. It was my dream. It was a skeptics dream.

The fact that we have one life to live on this planet is hard to swallow for the skeptic because, the skeptics desires can never be satisfied. The house can never be large enough. The car can never be nice enough. The husband or wife can never be hot enough. The skeptic will never be popular enough. That Vodka will never get them drunk enough. The weed high enough. The sense of accomplishment when climbing the corporate ladder will never be enough. There will never be enough money to satisfy. There is always more, more, more and the one life we live on this planet is not long enough to satisfy our selfish desires. Once you're gone, you're gone. There is no more wealth, There is no more partying, no more sex, no more entertainment. That's it- it's over. How can a skeptic make a lasting impact on the world when there is just another skeptic waiting to replace him when he's gone.

The fact that there is life after death is even harder for the skeptic to swallow because of all the reasons above. Why would a skeptic want to believe in life after death when they're too busy trying to make much of themselves while they are still on this planet?

How do I make much of this life humbly?
How do I not waste it?
How can I make a lasting impact?

I Thank God for his glorious grace, which allowed this skeptic to finally look up and say "He is real". I Thank God for his glorious grace, that this skeptic could look at the four gospels and say "That is real". I Thank God for his glorious grace so that this skeptic would see the glory of the cross on which his son died so that I may have a relationship with him. I Thank God for his glorious grace that I've finally been filled with His Holy Spirit. I Thank God for his glorious grace that this skeptic is no longer a skeptic- but I have been born again in Christ. My life is no longer my own, for I've been bought with a price. I'm now a foreigner to this land. This life is just but the beginning. My treasure is in heaven, but I'm still standing in this fallen world which is no longer my own.

How can I not waste it?
How can I further magnify the glory of God?

I cannot wait to praise Him for the rest of my days, but until that day comes and life on this earth ends- I hope to not waste what's left of my short, earthly life.